Huimin now 19+,
was borned on the 25th march,
and, she is attached to Mr.Chew Zhi Bing now. =)
anyway, she's pursuing a diploma in DCRSM,
in republic polytechnic.
and is a year 2 student!!
She loves her Dearest Boyfriend, most
of cos she cherish her parents,
and her darling Mich and joker.devil,Tasha.
she love her five Maddies,
and the CLiques in School.
your voice was all i heard
i'm leaving
never looking back again
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Jonathan Ong
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12-02-11, the date where we celebrate our valentin...
Beaver's Pub!
A day to enjoy!
A night at Marina Bay Sand Hotel
Ham ham's pic!
take a bow
how about a round of applause
Layout: Nicole
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Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 4:07 PM
today :
enterprise skills...seriously...not very interesting topic..tons of calculations required to do..and I HATE CALCULATION!!!! lucky got zhibing...( jarir say he is Mr. Maths Calculation, but i say he is Mr. Walking Calculator =p )..lolx! welll..starting was quite fun..but...after that was like..hmm...
anyway..jarir left during the 2nd break me and zhibing wanted to left too..but in the end only zhibing left...coz..ivan not leaving..then cant be he ownself do din leave as....i dun wanna feel din leave...then zhibing help to do the ppt...well..almost all is he do..i only do conclusion and some other touch up...lolx..
then after that he jiu leave lerx...b4 the faci come..hahax! lolx..( thkx fer helping anyway.. ^.^ )
then we are the 2nd grp to present!! hahax!! so present good and bad comments! hahax! very happy..early in the morning pissed by something...i seriously nv think that she think that like...why!? we are fcuking close and she said such th!? feel hurt! seriously...not only i feel that..! haiis!! maybe...only we feel that we are close...not her...if could she say all those hurtful things?! time for me to rethink about us...
@ 10:36 AM abt ytd.. :went sch fer UT..shit the stupid many calculation and everything must be done within that half an hour! who can do so!! dotx!! nvm...then have cognitive...sianx..although the member is nice and fun..but sad..sabrina din come coz she is sick.. )= but..nvm..still got jarir and arvie..seriously..not very happy abt him..fer very long time..(dun bother to say who larx)...kaez..ytd's ppt was done b4 2..hahax! this shows that we are productive!!! hahax!! then start presentation..then our last.. =.= hahax!! nvm larx..hahax!! then when is james.c turn to present..he say someth freaky funny!!! hahax!! he say something like " i will be presenting a table, so pls pay attention by not playing games!" hiong siax!! hahax!! ( of coz we not goin to say who he refering to.. =p )then her grp turn to present..zzz..she took the one with alot of words..which means she take freaky long time to present..still nvm.."talk before thot"..? huh!? DOTZ!! then stil nvm.."item" becomes "adam"...then...she say someth make everybody laugh and shoot back..."i put my fone to auto got sound.."...WTF! LOLX!! tio shoot by alot of ppl..hahax! seriously...funny..hahax! me and arvie laugh like crazy....hahax!! ( okiez..i admit i am evil .. =p )kaez..real fun just started...after school went out with BF(michelle)..natasha and rabiatul..hahax! seriously..we talk all the way from woodlands to bugis..hahax!! we talk abt many things..our past and things that is funny...hahax!!! then we went to eat..okiez..i admit...wait for seat that time i quite gl..heex.. =p.. who ask them seat there talk and talk and talk and occupying the 4 seaters table..humphs! then went to buy food..kaez...alot..seriously alot..and..too full..then me and natasha keep talking then bf say..can u two eat and dun tok..hahax!! okiez lorx...keep quiet..shhhh..who knows they say they rather i tok..coz..i will keep looking ard!! hahax.. )= then went rockery to buy bubble tea..hahax!!! so full..really..very full!! hahax!! then we jiu went to walk ard...then natasha say wan take neoprints..then we jiu go take lorx..hahax..good ritez...hahax!! then we jiu go home lorx..coz..alr 9+ and tml got sch...sob! i wan sleep...hahax! anyway..go home also din sleep immediately...still got RJ...evaluation...haiis!! then IM-ing..hahax..p.s : dar...i lazy upload pics..heex.. =p and..thks to those who is willing to lend me ur shoulder,, =)
Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 2:23 PM
01. What disappoints you the most? My O’level result. =( 02. Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket? I will like to go England. <3 color="#cccccc">03. What’s your favorite thing to do? A lot, like reading, sleeping, listen to music, blogging. <33>04. Do you think money can buy happiness? No, if can then I will spend all my wealth in exchange for happiness. =( 05. If you have one dream to come true, what would it be? Be the happiest person with those that I love. <3>06. Do you believe you can survive without money? Seriously, NO!!! 07. What are you afraid to lose the most? Myself* 08. If you win $1 million, what would you do? I will use it to buy a big house, and put the rest into the bank. =x 09. What do you dream of doing in future? Be a successful career woman. ^.^ 10. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you? She is crazy, nice and a nice accompanier. =D 11. What makes you laugh? Almost all funny things..hahax.. =) 12. What type of person do you hate most? Hate those who hate me for no reason and a backstabber. =x 13. Where do you see yourself in 10 years down the road? If I have the power of prediction, I will then tell you. =p 14. If you could have a superpower, what would it be? I want to control be able to manipulate the weather (lightning, rain, snow…etc…) =p 15. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? My life, without a life, I can’t do many things. 16. If it’s the end of the world, what will be your last wish? My last wish is to have a date with Yan Ya Lun…Heex!! =p 17. If you have a chance to choose, would you want to go back in time? When will it be? I want to go back to secondary 2 life, and to the time before I do stupid things, so that I can change everything. 18. Which anime character you like most? Hmm…tough one… I think the character I like most is Hotohori ( fushigi yuugi ) 19. Are you courageous enough to go and tell the person that you like him/her? No way!! =p 20. When is the happiest moment in your life so far? The happiest moment in my life is when I was with those who love me and I love them back.
Instruction: remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them down out at the end of its post. Notify then in their chat box that he/she has been tagged.
1. Huiyi 2. Natasha 3. Amanda 4. Samantha 5. Calinder 6. Manton 7. Marvin 8. Nicholas
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @ 9:59 PM
today's rj : "What kind of a student were you the past 7-8 weeks? Evaluate yourself."my ans : "In my own views on my behaviour the past 7-8 weeks, I think that I have improved slightly, but that’s only my personal view. During the first few weeks in this school, I feel different and I don’t get use to the way how things work. Therefore, I have problems in getting use to the new learning methods and to stop relying on the facilitator for help. My performance during the first few weeks was not very satisfying, and I tend to be quiet as I still don’t know my team/class mates that well and can be distracted easily by certain things (e.g. instant messaging). Thus, there were comments given to me suggesting that I should be more participating, and should concentrate and put in more effort in my work. By then, I realise that as compared to my behaviour in RP, was not what it was like in my secondary school, and I think I have been slacking after entering poly. Since then, I start reflecting on my behaviour and the kind of student I want to be, and I want to make a change. After a period of time, I’m able to mingle well with my peers and start to set target for myself, and hope to see improvement in studies. Although sometimes I was still being un-attentive, but there were also times where I put in 100% of my concentration in class. And I believe that I do take my duties, either being the leader or team member, with enthusiasm and I dare to speak up more during group discussions, and clarify my doubts with either classmates or the facilitator. And I believe I am the kind of student who is willing to accept any comments as I think that these comments help me to improve further. Also, I think that I am not easily discouraged by failures and see things in a positive way. Thus, I think I have make small improvement and try to stay more focus by stop using instant messaging in class unless we have to send references or things regarding our lesson."hahax!! this is the 2nd time i put in lots of effort in writing an RJ and i think i abit BHB...seriously speaking ~! hahax!!anyway..left earlier today...went back school take the stupid larx!! the timing totally wrong and how smart of them to set a deadline for us to collect our booklet and cert. And make me have to leave earlier...( i feel so bad that they have to do the presentation and i cant help~ SORRY members!!! )anyway..reached school around 3.30...woah~ hahax! then meet up with grace to take tgt...even though we different class..LOLX!! then saw zhiwei in sch...he was like..."a~~~" then i jiu "b~~" then he continue with "c~~"...okiez...i know is lame~ hahax!!! then grace saw her girls guide junior..( dun ask me who are they coz seriously in my 4 yrs life in ev, i nv seen them b4 )..lolx!! then cause i din eat fer like almost whole day? so grace and zhiwei acc me go eat...then zhiwei also wan eat his dinner..? hahax!! okiez..then he very grace go buy bubble tea..hahax~~ (opps..heeex..jokin~~)...then we chatted and lame there...then EVSS GOT ALOT OF SMOKE!! lolx..opps..actually..just ppl spraying someth larx..hahax!! then grace wan go home study..( dun think she got )..hahax!! then after that we jiu go home lorx... booklet by MOE... my cert from cambridge~~anyway...while taking bus293...many memories came back in mind...suddenly i feel so...mixed up i think..maybe because along the road..there is too many memories on the things we do in the past...i still rmb the jokes we crack while walking...the shop we alw went to buy bubble tea...update each other with the things that happen to us...all these seems to happen not long ago..but...why..i feel so...confused...i know all these might not come back to me anymore...but...i still have a small it that i still cant let go?? izzit that because we are too close?? or..izzit that i dun wanna lose the fate?? p.s : heys..i am not trying to emo kaez..hahax!! just..some thots only... =)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 10:07 PM
WOHOO!!! I GOT ANNOUCEMENT TO MAKE!! I GOT STEAD LERX!! AND MY STEAD IS .....MICHELLE KOH JIA HUI!!! WOHOO!! although is an loud affair...but...who cares!! lets have some scandal~~ yeah~~ cool~~ wohoo!! and i want to say I LOVE MICHELLE~~ LOVE LOVE LOVE!~ HAHAX!!done..hahax! finish liaox~~! hahax!! say today..omg!! someone kanna UT...cognitive...omg!! scared lehx!! cnt fail..and i dun wan to go school!! i wan pon can~?? but..ltr my group only left with 3 ppl cause wilson cfm not coming...hmm..nvm!! coz thursday and holiday is coming soon!!! love love love!! holiday~~ can go as great singapore sales is HERE!!! hahax..!! kaez...tired..wan sleep but I WAN WATCH FORENSIC HEROES!!! SO NICE MAN!! LOVE MICHELLE~~ HUG HUGS~! =)
Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 5:27 PM
Today~~~ NO SCHOOL FER ME!!! opps..hahax..too excited..hahax..coz I AM SO HAPPY!! dun need see the faci..=p anyway...that is not the main reason is I HAVE SO SORE THROAT!! poor me!! all because of the roti prata..OPPS..hahax!! then sleep till 11+ then jiu ONLINE! hahax..opps..wake up jiu bad ritez..hahax..nvm...summore ytd fall asleep and forget to off my com..poor com~ hahax!then now i am using it to read my novel~ yeah~ happy!! =)opps! nearly forget send michelle the ppt..hahax..send now send now..hahax.JONATHAN ONG!!! I WANT TO HEAR THE STORY!!! THE STORY THE STORY! THE STORY!!! opps...hahax!! i think i abit crazy...really...abit only...seriously...i din lie...
Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 6:42 PM so tired! and so relaxing too...been using com fer the whole day...hahax..coz i was reading my novel..hahax..and priscilla ( tour fren )...was online!! hahax!! then we chat awhile then ask her go study..coz her O'LVL IS TML!!! hahax..then now hope that she can do well...and dun waste this one more year!! hahax!! loves!! and miss ya!! hahax..must meet up after her Os...hahax!!WISH THOSE WHO IS TAKING/RETAKING O LEVEL'S STUDENT GOOD LUCK!!! AND GAMBATEH!!!!! p.s : zhiwei...must get A..coz me, huiyi and grace wan our sakae!! hahax!!lolx! then now i wan post someth fer AMANDA ONG!!!as she request me to post someth about her...but i dunno wan to put with her name.AMANDA ONG!!! AMANDA ONG!!! okiez...i think she will hope that i say she cute so..AMANDA SO CUTE!! opps...can i say as cute as that cat ?? i think she will kill me!! hahax! ( jokin =p )
@ 1:01 AM
Finally weekend liaox...waited so long man!! hahax!!went to find grace as she is working at bugis..hahax..planned to find her liaox then help zhiwei with his chinese as O LVL CHINESE IS COMING!!! hahax..then who know he got someth on!! then me and grace went shopping lorx!! hahax...then we went to Bugis street to shop...then grace saw a zinc..well its nice..hahax! and EX!! hahax..then the sales man was like so omg! hahax...he totally treat us like his friend instead of his customer! hahax!! so lame!! then wadever he say me and grace all shoot bad! hahax...i still prefer the other one...he better... =pthen grace decide to buy that white one so she borrowe $50 from me...OMG!!! I LEFT WITH NO MONEY!! lolx..nvm..then i shop and bought one pair of slipper!! nice and i have been aiming fer it fer sooo long!! hahax! then saw durga( not sure spell correctly not )...she is makin her nails..hahax!! then after that we went to walk around again..nothing to do..hahax!! then i bought a bag...a sling bag...hahax...i personally find it nice..hahax...then while we went to take MRT, something happen.... I WALK TOWARDS THE WRONG ESCALATOR!!!!! OMG!!! I was suppose to go down but i walked to the one that come up and lucky grace called me! omg! i totally din notice anyth wrong!! OMG!!! hahaxthen went reach tampines...we went to KFC and wait zhiwei to came find us..hahax! then we help him till 10...then saw nicholas ( evss the )...then after that we jiu went home...then now so tired...but then want to sleep..but...not feeling well..throat abit pain..and stomach not feeling right...omg!!! then mood to sleep even though i am tired..weirdo...hahax..and I AM NOT EMO LARX!! p.s : condition very simple...and I AM NOT BIASE LARX!!! =pmuahahahahax!! =p
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 10:26 PM
I realise one things today... in this world... there is no such things as, "i can't live without you" It's all bullshit. Do i really can't live without you and her? NO. I don't need you, ANYMORE!! BUT! I will never forget, How cruel you and her were, to leave me in the pool of blood, full with shattered glass, and walk away from me. Then, reappear again, When i was saved, And my wounds are recovering. And then, do the fcukin same thing again. But this time, I am not that stupid! To fall into the bloody pool, And get hurt all over the place, And wait for one to save! Now, I've learned. Learned how to recover fast, And how to forget. From now onwards, My live belongs only to me, And those who really treasure me. And i should live happier than ever, Even i know that it might be difficult, But, I will still try, no matter how many times i fall, I still will, For the sake of myself, And for proving that, I NO LONGER NEED YOU AND HER! No longer, Because, I've learned how to love myself.
Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 9:33 PM
曾经, 你告诉过我, 无论未来会发生什么事, 你都一定会在我身边。
曾经, 你告诉我, 当我需要你的时候, 只要叫你的名三次, 无论如何, 你一定会出现在我身边。
曾经, 你说过, 只要还有明天, 你一定会陪着我。
曾经, 你承诺过, 有你的一天, 你一定不会让我掉一滴眼泪, 因为你说, 我的眼泪是非常的珍贵。
曾经, 你说过, 只要有你的每一天, 我的人生一定是快乐的。
曾经, 好多好多的“曾经”, 而这些曾经, 现在已成了回忆。
我不会感到惋惜, 因为, 我知道, 曾经, 在你心里, 我曾经是最重要的。 而曾经, 你在我心里也是, 非常重要的。
现在, 我只想告诉你, 谢谢你曾经, 在我生命中留下, 最深刻的, 回忆。 现在的我, 活得非常的有意义, 同样的, 我也祝福你, 希望你也能快乐。
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 8:07 PM
Today, got UT!!! summor is cultural UT!! hahax!! but..i think i THINK i did quite well..hahax!!! anyway..main thing not this..hahax!! about the DUMB DUMB MICHELLE KOH JIA HUI AND NATASHA!!!! hahax!! both of them flood my communicator!! so bad!! hahax!! then still call me DUMB DUMB!! evil!! hahax!! Then the following things is about michelle!! hahax!! ytd, while walking to mrt station..she went crazy! she went to pluck the grass..crazy ritex!! then today when walkin from the foodcourt, she close the door and no to let in, who know got people behind me!!! and make me so paisei!!! lolx!! Okiez!! enough of michelle's thing..hahax!! then today's ppt is totally buang..but i dun care liaox! hahax...too tired to think of all those things!! hahax!! then now at home talking to grace and updating on another...hahax!!! funny arhx!! lolx!!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 @ 8:07 PM
today is the computing and mathematics skills 1...omg lorx!! A-maths the probability!! sianx!!! so difficult and so irritating!! actually i dun wanna go school, but then because of the SUI! Fashion show, I forced myself to school!! hahax!! then today me, huiyi, michelle, sharifah and kylie help out with the usher and thkx fer huijing's tie, if not marvin will kill me!! hahax..jokin~ marvin so handsome larx!! hahax!! then like so cool!! he did EVSS proud!! yeah!! then when i was doin ushering...saw siva, aman and saman..hahax!! then siva call and ask huiyi to comb hair!!! omg!! so evil ritez!!!!! hahax!! ( huiyi pls dun take it in heart )... Then after the usher, aman came to find me and take the thumbdrive, then she bring us to delvyn's class to take things from him~ hahax! then after that we went back to class and...OMG!!! HEADACHE!!! The worksheet is like so difficult larx!!! i dun even know how use excel...! hahax..then do until i so pachek! hahax! Then after that finally lesson ended!!! yipee!! hahax..then we complaint about the sci~ oppss! shh! hahax! then i use some time to decorate the board! is nice...jus like what i did last week!! haahx! Then michelle, natasha, huiyi, james, jim, and zhibing walk to inter together than saman called me to meet her at bus inter...hahax!! then huiyi they all take mrt home de...sob! then me and zhibing walk to wait fer bus..but we took different bus..then meet with saman..and she tok on fone and ignore me!! dumb dumb! hahax! then i took a photo of her on fone! and she request another one!!! LAME! hahax!!
this was drawn on last fri...
any difference???
see some things being added!??
final pieces!!!!!!!!!!
this is saman the dumb dumb..
saman wanted another one!!
Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 8:48 PM
today is 409's class gathering!!! wohoo!! so long din see each other already... anyway...woke up at 8.30 am!! so early ritez...coz meeting..amanda, samantha, yanqin, kaijing and augustine at the library bus stop to take bus to castillo's house fer out BBQ!! hahax..then in the end...i only meet up with kaijing, aman and saman...coz...augustine dunno wake up lerx mahx..hahax!! then yanqin will be late so she meet huiyi... then after we meet..aman say she hungry so went mac to eat...she and saman share one set...while me and kaijing only drink milo~ yummy..hahax..then after eating we went to take bus 3 to castillo's hse..hahax!! then meet up with huiyi and yanqin at the bus stop..hahax Then reached castillo there was already like 12pm..hahax!! then by the time we reach there, most of them was already there!!! well...junxian...herman...kwang hui...jian han...stay at castillo's hse the night before! hahax..then xuan and aihua reach there slightly earlier then us..then farhan..hafiz...dharmandra and joel oso reach already!! hahax Then castillo they all ask us to go eat since they bought alot of food..! hahax..Then we sit at the pavilion coz very hot!!! Then we jiu socialise awhile...then play around~ hahax!! then awhile ltr siva...nathan...harris...navin they all arrive ltr..hahax!! then before that augustine came...then aman and saman go fetch him~~hahax!! Then we go take some group pictures as michelle is leaving fer work soon...then just nice petrina...rahayu...and shikin reached there~ hahax!! then after some photo taking session...we jiu went to the pavilion near the swimming pool and play the water...!!! cool!! hahax!! then we take turns to take photos...hahax! then after that...aman...saman...huiyi...yanqin..augustine...harris...hafiz...kaijing and me sit at the pavilion and joke ard...hahax!! then augustine do some funny things and omg!! we play the "what's next" game..hahax..and saman dunno the ans!! hahax!! then when she noe...huiyi dunno!! hahax!! so funny!! then we keep saying lame things to entertain each other..then suddenly kaijing or aman suggest play mahjong!! hahax then actually wan come my hse play but my mother and my aunt are playin..then wan go gloria's there but..she need go aman say go cycle...then we all say okiez!! hahax..can sun tan..hahax!! but yanqin and augustine dun wan..yanqin wan study...augustine wan air-con~~ hahax! then huiyi...aman...saman...kaijing and me jiu went to pasir ris park to cycle!! hahax!! Then we went to rent bicycle fer 2 hr which only cost us $5!! cheap arhx! hahax! then we went to cycle ard...then me and kaijing like cycle so fast !! crazy!! hahax!! then when we pass by the suddenly so many memories came back to us!! hahax..sentimental huh~~ hahax! then ard 5pm..huiyi went to return bicycle 1st coz she rushing off..hahax! then we continue to cycle fer like 20min..hahax!! then when we return and walk to the bus stop..we say her~! is like so long~~hahax!! then we take bus to interchange..then aman..saman and kaijing wan go eat but I cant go coz meeting cheng kang to take DVD..hahax!! then after meeting cheng kang i jiu go home guai arhx! hahax!! coz my real god sis is here!! hahax~ she came my hse so must accompany her mahx..hahax! then now uploading some of the photos..hahax!!
petrina and me~~ muackx!
shikin( dunno spell correctly not) and me!! hahax!
rahayu and me~~ heex
guess where am i standing!?
me and huiyi standin in the water...hahax..and sun so bright!
heex..guess where we standing??!! =)
sun too bright!!
me..saman..aman~ hahax..
the water is clear huh!?? hahax..
cycling time!!!
cute cat!!! hahax
lazy cat~~ haahx!!
Class gathering!!! yeah!! aman, me and kaijing!
omg! aman was like a queen!! hahax!
brown families!!
me, saman, aman and huiyi!!
kaez..lets spot some differences~~

can u see the differences??
the 1st shot.. the last shot~~ hahax! omg!! wad's kaijing doin!!?? our 4 pretty ladies~ =)and due to Starz complain...i have to enlarge the font size... =p